Monday, September 24, 2007

Come Out For Field Day

The 3rd Annual Creative Loafing Field Day on Saturday, October 6th at Piedmont Park will feature two Exhibition Courts of Boccelism, open for first-come first-toss sign up. Expect lots of blasting fun.

BooHoo Ramblers CD Release Extravaganza

Come out for the fun Friday and Saturday night, September 28th and 29th, at The Last Great Watering Hole in Tucker. Live audio and video recording will be going on both nights for use in future CD and video releases. Saturday is designated the "Official" Release Night, with Friday as the "Warm Up", but Big Fun will be had both nights, so come when you can. Friday's show is slated to start at 9 PM, Saturday's at 10 PM.

The Watering Hole is on the right off of Lawrenceville Hwy. just as it hits Hugh Howell Rd. For more info and detailed directions head to